MEDITATING TOGETHER - Event Online via Zoom
With a Chakra meditation you can open and balance the seven main Chakras. In this way, according to the Chakra teachings, you restore the natural energy flow in the body and balance disturbed energy centers. PREPARATION For meditation, lie comfortably on your back with your arms loosely beside your body and your palms facing up. To enter a relaxed state, begin by noticing your whole body lying still on the floor. Feel your breathing: inhaling the abdominal wall rises, exhaling it lowers. Notice the pauses in your breathing. With each exhalation, consciously release the muscles and sink even deeper into the support of the earth. Feel how the body charges with new energy with each inhalation and relaxes even more deeply with each exhalation. |
Lie on your back and pull your legs up together. Feet on the ground. Move the knees from side to side. Breathe in at the center and out to the side. Stretch your body. SACRAL CHAKRA (SVADISTHANA-CHAKRA) Lie on your back and pull your legs up together. Feet on the ground. Move your pelvis forward, exhale. Move your pelvis backward, inhale. NAVEL CHAKRA (MANIPURA CHAKRA) Standing - clench your hands into fists. Stomp on the floor, clench your fists and feel inside, breathe quickly and let sounds flow in. HEART CHAKRA (ANAHATA CHAKRA) Standing - hands in front of the heart, palms up. Open the palms outward from the center of the sternum and back toward the heart. Inhale into the heart and exhale with the movement. LARYNGEAL CHAKRA (VISHUDDA CHAKRA). Exhale, tilt pelvis, stick out tongue and inhale, round back. FOREHEAD CHAKRA (AJNA CHAKRA). On the knees. Bring arms up, inhale and charge with energy. Arms back to the floor, release everything you don't need and exhale. PARIETAL CHAKRA (SAHASRARA CHAKRA) Sitting. Connect with the crown of your head and inhale. Connect with your pelvis as you exhale. Sit in stillness. |